Thursday, October 29, 2015

Time To Say Goodbye (Not Really)

Hi, everyone!
This post is bittersweet.
As the title indicates, it's the end of something, although not forever..
The time has come for me to say goodbye to blogging (regularly).
Though I may not want to, it's something I realize I need to do.
This little corner of the Internet has been mine for almost a year and a half, and through everything, it's been the place I've turned to to type out my feelings and/or write whatever I wanted.
I hope I've been able to relate to you in one way or another, and if anything, I hope at least one of the links in the weekly posts, Friday Favorites, has been able to bring a smile to your face :)
I've loved writing and sharing with you all (aka pouring out my heart sometimes..), and I've absolutely loved being able to connect with you. But, as the months pass, I realize that I've almost become too involved with my blog and the Internet, and though I love it as much as the next person, I need to take some time away from it.
I will continue to post every now and then, if a post magically appears in my mind, and I'll try to keep you updated with what I'm up to :) Maybe I'll even keep Friday Favorites going, but I also want you to know that I want to share quality material with you, and not just something I threw together last minute in order to have a post up.
I will write a post if I feel like it and share it with you guys, but at least I won't be obligated to if I have a busy week.
The past few days made me realize how unprepared I am (for everything), and that life's going to hit me in the face sooner or later, and I better be ready for it. This blog has helped prepare me in many ways, and for others, I need to learn them myself. I want to thank you for every sweet comment that's been left, emails that have been sent, and social media platforms that have been stalked.
This blog helped me deal with the first year of college, and made me document things that would have been forgotten had I not had this blog. I'm so grateful for that, and every single one of you who has read my blog.
I love you.
This isn't goodbye; it's a (talk to)/see you later.

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

New Vs. Old

A few days ago, I was talking to a friend in my old major, and we were talking about the assignments in each of our individual classes, and the whole time she was talking about one of her Communication classes, I was thinking to myself, "Wow. I am so glad I'm not in that major anymore!" It just re-affirmed my decision to switch majors and made me realize how glad I am that I'm a Business major! I'd rather suffer through a few required classes than hate (almost) all of the classes in the major. I'm really looking forward to the classes I get to take in the coming years, the ones that pertain more to my concentration in my major and minor -- they look SO interesting!
This week's crazy busy, but I'm excited about what lies at the end! If I can just make it there, I'll be okay :) 
My friends and I are attending a Halloween dance, which means FOOD, so obviously that makes me really happy!

I've changed a lot in a year. Throughout this semester, I've caught myself saying out loud or to myself, "Remember last year?" And why? We tend to get stuck in the past, reminiscing or wishing things would have turned out a different way, when the only thing we can do is move forward and enjoy the present. Maybe it's this time of year -- I love the changing of the seasons, no matter how I annoyed I get when I don't know how to dress for it (sweater in the morning, short sleeve t-shirt by the afternoon!). Like Taylor Swift + Ed Sheeran sing, "Everything has changed." (Obviously different circumstances, but still..) This year and last are completely different. I've learned so much about myself during this past year. I've had really cool experiences and opportunities, lessons to be learned, and choices to be made in the last year. Those have all shaped me into who I am today.

New major. New friends. New outlook on life. New way of approaching the world.
The new way is definitely better than the old way.
I'm thankful for the old way of life, because it taught me so much, but I'm also so glad that I don't live in the old way anymore. Now I just need to take each day as it comes, and enjoy it! :)

One of the coolest quotes I've come across recently is, "The trees show us how lovely it is to let the dead things go." Whoa. When you stop and look around at the leaves changing color (and giving us cool photos to Instagram..), it's really amazing to think that we too can let the things that weigh us down go..just release the negative things, and while they may not disappear, at least they are not giving us such a burden to carry anymore. We're free of those things.

Sorry that this post turned out to be more of a journal entry than a blog post..sometimes it's just good for the soul to spill out your heart to strangers on the Internet.. :)

Friday, October 23, 2015

Friday Favorites

Crazy week, month, you name it. Fall break was crazy, but went by way too fast!
I want need another one, but also, I love being back at school, as insane as that sounds sometimes!
I'm really excited about the next couple of days/weeks :)
The holiday season is my absolute favorite time of year!
All That Glitters Is Not Gold: Because these are desserts and you can eat them!
Panda Cam: Adorable!
Paris Skirt: Want.
Picture-Perfect: Carly of The College Prepster + her boyfriend, Garrett took the most adorable fall photos!

Have an awesome weekend!
Stay safe :)

Thursday, October 22, 2015


Their whole album is available to stream on Spotify!

If you've never heard of Pentatonix, you need to change that ASAP! Or maybe you have and didn't even realize it! Okay, going on a rant here :) This musical quintet is one of the best out there. I don't know what the world would be like without this insanely talented acapella singing group! I'm so glad I found them, but I can't remember when, where, or even how I learned about their music. So, their Christmas album is SO GOOD. Trust me, you won't regret listening to it on repeat for the rest of the year (at least! There's never a bad time for Christmas music!). Their new album just came out Friday by the way, so check it out here! My four favorite songs are: Take Me Home, New Year's Day, Light In The Hallway, and Lean On. LOVE THEM! I cannot tell you the number of times I've (already) listened to them..#noshame. And to wrap up this (not an ad or sponsored, just an #obsessed fan) long basically a journal entry blog post, I (as a marketing major) have to say that I am so impressed with their marketing techniques! They engage their target audience through the use of social media, and post on their YouTube channel quite often. I read an article that describes more in detail how they utilize the resources available to them and I think it's really awesome! End rant.

Have a great Thursday :)
Sorry posts this week have been short and sweet! October's been a crazy month!
Check back tomorrow for Friday Favorites!

Friday, October 16, 2015

Friday Favorites

Why is it called fall break when I have tests to study for and papers to complete?!
I think my school should re-name it to "extra days to procrastinate"..

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Favorite Instagram Accounts

Instagram is one of the coolest marketing tools today. It can be used to sell your product(s), introduce yourself to your customers in a more relatable and interactive way, and also share bits and pieces of your personal life. Make it creative. Make it personable. I've found some of my favorite blogs, products, and companies using Instagram. Too cool! I love that each picture is a sliver of someone's story that they chose to share with the world. It's scary putting your heart out there, but so worth it when it truly captures how you feel + so awesome when what you have to say resonates with another soul. Today's blog topic is Instagram accounts because, like Netflix, they are (just as) addicting. I could probably scroll forever. There are so many gorgeous feeds! Also, on a serious note, do these people take an "Instagram: How-To" course on crafting the perfect #aesthetic feed?! Because, I'm jealous! I wish my feed could look like one of theirs :)
Though I might not have the best artsy Instagram, I'm all about stalking other people's feeds. 
Here's a few of my favorites! :)

Amy Stone: All about her aesthetic.
Bess Pearson: The most hipster, boho-chic feed around.
Cambria Grace: Beautiful.
Julia Hengel: Highlights + sneak peeks from her blog!
Lauren Wells: Stunning. 
Lucy Laucht: Beautiful pictures.
Mackenzie Horan: Bright, colorful, fun!
Rebecca: Her style + Northern Ireland adventures..
Sarah Vickers: Envious of..her closet and life.

#followmeto: The original couple who started this hashtag, and cool photo series..
Paris: Mostly Paris-centered photos :)
Polkadot Passport: Journey around the world via pictures!
World of Wanderlust: Dream turned reality.

Madisen Kuhn: Her words just speak to me.
So Worth Loving: Everyday inspiration.
Tyler Knott: Daily haikus -- yes, please!

What are your favorite Instagram accounts?

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

What's In My Netflix Queue + Recommendations

I love reading 'What's In My Bag/Purse' posts, but I've never seen one about a Netflix queue. I think that would tell a lot more about a person than their favorite flavor of Chapstick (although that might..). I'm a big fan of Netflix, if you couldn't tell from previous posts, so I thought I'd share what I love watching and if you want, you can leave recommendations on your favorites :)

Ferris Bueller's Day Off (Pretty sure this is the only 80's movie I actually like..I know, I'm weird.)
High School Musical 1 + 2 (#childhood)
Legally Blonde (So motivational.)
Mulan (My favorite Disney princess!)
The Emperor's New Groove ("Pull the lever, Kronk!")
The Fox And The Hound (Always sobbing by the end of this one..)

Whenever I have a bad day, I can always watch one of these, and I'll feel 100x better :)

Continuum (I actually discovered this show on Netflix! Still trying to decide how I feel about the ending of the show..)
Friends (Rebecca actually recommended this show to me!)
Gilmore Girls (Classic.)
Grey's Anatomy (I'm in a love-hate relationship with this show.)
Parks and Recreation (Leslie Knope and I would totally be best friends..)
The Office (Jim's my dream guy..)

I've watched these already, but I have no problem re-watching an episode or two from any of these shows :)

What are your favorite movies/tv shows to watch/re-watch? Any recommendations? :)

Friday, October 9, 2015

Friday Favorites

How has another week already come and gone?!
But, what a crazy, awesome week it's been! + I'm even more excited for the weekend and days to come :)
Fall is such an inspiring season, even if it doesn't always feel it (temperature wise)!

Ad For Extra Gum: LOVE, literally.
Amsterdam: This city!
Apple Orchard: She's living a dream..
'Bad Blood' Orchestral Cover: 'Cause why not?
Big Sur: Going on the travel bucket list..
Cheap Flights To Europe: YES!
Coats Under $100: Please and thank you.
Colorful Desserts: ALL.OF.THEM.
Disney Sequels: Dreams really can come true..
Dog Serves As Best Man: Precious!
Follow Your Heart: Must read.
London: Perfect outfit for this place.
Meet Moana: The next Disney princess :)
Nancy Drew: AHH! One of my favorite childhood book series is turning into a TV show :)
Pepsi Perfect: Any Back To The Future fans?
Taylor Swift Lyrics Used As Lines In A Soap Opera: Watch this!
Travel The US For < $500: Summer 2016.
'Wildest Dreams' Cover: Gorgeous.

Happy Friday! :)
Have a great weekend!

Thursday, October 8, 2015


The story behind my blog name..

I've always loved my username for my blog + corresponding social media!
While I remain an anonymous blogger, I love being able to have accounts that I can use for interacting with people who read my blog, blogs I read, or any friends I've made via the Internet! Social media is so cool in that it lets you share glimpses of your life with the world. Of course, be careful with what pictures you post! :)
Anyway, to the story, so I made my Tumblr blog before my 'real' blog one summer afternoon, and the rest is history. The username I use just popped into my head, and I thought, "Wow! I love it!" I started my blog to be inspirational, and then it turned into whatever I felt like posting (more personal stuff + pictures/quotes I love) which I still hope is sorta inspirational :)

My username consists of words that are super important to me!
I post things that make me smile :)
+ shine is one of the coolest words and I hope that when you read my blog, it reminds you of sunshine + to shine like the awesome person you are <3
and last but not least, I post what I hope is kinda sorta inspirational, which is where inspire comes from :)

I also love the header, because isn't that font just beautiful?! :)

Share your social media below, so we can chat! :)
Have a great Thursday!
Friday Favorites tomorrow :)

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Downton Abbey

There are many reasons why Downton Abbey is one of my favorite TV shows.
I have many favorites, but whenever someone asks me what my all-time favorite is, I always answer with Downton Abbey. Yes, a lot of it has to do with the characters -- people we can laugh with, cry over and relate to. People from all around the world have come to know and love this show, and there are plenty of reasons why. The number one reason I love this show is because I love the people I share it with and the memories I've made because of it. I bond with people over it, quote it (way too) often, and have had more than one tea party on account of the television show being centered around the English characters and their way of life. I've watched this show with people who mean so much to me -- my grandma, mom, sister, roommate, close friends. Taking time out of a busy schedule to sit down and enjoy a television show is so rare nowadays, and I'm been so lucky and fortunate to have had quite a few of those moments. I also reminisce when I watch an can take me back to the times when I watched Downton Abbey at my grandma's house, or last year when my roommate and I decided to take food back to our dorm so we could continue binge-watching DA. And, this year, the final season, we're able to watch the last season of Downton Abbey together.
I am so thankful for this TV show and how much of an impact it's made on my life.

A subtle nod to my Downton Abbey obsession in my dorm room..

Have an awesome Tuesday!

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Exciting Stuff, You Guys!

I cannot wait to share more, but right now, I'm still trying to completely wrap my head around it all :)
I'm a SWL Campus Rep, and I couldn't be more excited! I was eating dinner and studying last night, when I decided to check my e-mail, because I'm one of those weird people who has to check their email every 5 minutes (and I hadn't looked at my email in an hour or so which was suprising!), when I saw the So Worth Loving email (!!!) SO. WORTH. LOVING. My favorite company had emailed me to say that they had accepted me to their Campus Representatives program!
After I read the first few lines of the email, I completely freaked out. This is a dream come true.
I cannot wait to start planning events and get to know more of the student body at my school :) After a tough week at school, this e-mail lifted my spirits! I'll keep you guys updated. Until then, thank you so much for your love and support :)