Friday, May 29, 2015

Friday Favorites

Happy Friday! :)
Great and relaxing. These are the two words that I would use to describe this week. Because Monday was a holiday, I used Tuesday through today to just chill. I ate lunch and was able to catch up with my roommate, focus on my online class, finish Friends, and think about what I want to do with my summer. I'm halfway through my second summer school class, and can't believe that I'll be done with another one of my general education classes before July and have 3 more college credits!
I started off  this week with a little holiday shopping..and am now the proud owner of a new pair of Nike tennis shoes ($50!) and a Vera Bradley wristlet for next school year ($19!). So excited!
As happy as I was to have an excuse to spend time with my family, eat, and shop on Monday, I also took time to remember the men and women who have dedicated their lives to this country so that all Americans may have freedom. I am so thankful for all they do!

Agendas: Kate or Lilly?! #decisions (I can't decide!)
Flying Tiger: I need one of these stores in my life ASAP :)
Slow Motion Puppy: Adorable!
Swimsuit: I really like this one!
31 Waterparks: Put these on your summer bucket list!
27 Graduation Caps: I love puns way too much..

Have a wonderful weekend! Stay safe!
Be on the lookout for #ootd posts coming soon!
I'm so excited for the future of this blog! There are a lot of changes in the works this summer ;)

Saturday, May 23, 2015

101 in 1001 (College Edition)

Thanks to Mackenzie Horan at Design Darling for introducing a more reasonably sized bucket list for those who love to check items off their list in a timely manner! I loved coming up with these ideas and can't wait to see what kind of adventures that will result from this list :) I'm done with my freshman year of college and now have a whole summer ahead of me to check off a few items. I kept putting off writing this list, but I finally (!!!) finished it and am now publishing it for the world to see :) I'm pretty random, so this list is gonna be interesting..

Start: May 23, 2015
End: February 17, 2018

(36/101 achieved!)

Drink the required amount of water for at least a week. (August 2016)
Form an exercise routine and stick with it for at least a month (and hopefully it'll be routine after that!). (June 2016)
Go camping.
Keep up a healthy diet. (Summer 2016)
Learn how to play tennis.
Participate in a color run.
Ride my bike more. (June 2016)
Try out yoga. (Started 6.9.15)

Buy a bikini. (5.31.15)

Blog at least 3 times a week for at least 3 months. (Fall 2015)

Collaborate on a blog post with one of my blogger friends.
Learn how to code. (In progress)
Redesign blog. (Summer 2015)
Take outfit pictures regularly.
Update header. (7.5.16)

Attend more events. (Fall 2016)
Become more involved in campus ministries. (Fall 2016)
Decorate my dorm in a completely different way than I did freshman year. (January 2016)
Get an on-campus job.
Go to at least 1 event for each sport on campus.
Join another club. (Fall 2016)
Reach out to underclassmen.
Take a few classes outside my comfort zone.

Attend a horse race and/or polo match.
Buy a Polaroid.
Clear out Netflix queue. (May 2016)
Find 5 new artists to listen to. (2015/2016)
Go to a concert (preferably Ed Sheeran or Taylor Swift).
Go see a double feature.
Go to a drive-in movie.
Go to an outdoors concert. (7.30.15)
Go to an outdoors movie.
Harry Potter movie marathon -- all 8 in one day!
Learn how to play guitar.
Listen to at least 3 audio books.
Organize Pinterest boards. (June 2016)
Read 10 new books. (Summer 2016)
Re-read all 7 books of the Harry Potter series. (2/7)
Try geocaching.
Watch 2 new TV series on Netflix.
Watch 10 new movies.
Bake a pie. (7.6.16)
Go berry picking in the summer. (8.11.16)
Learn how to use chopsticks.
Make a pizza from scratch.
Make macarons again.
Try 10 new foods. (1/10)
Try 10 new recipes. (Summer 2016)
Try 10 new restaurants. (4/10)
Visit a Farmer's Market. (May 2016)
Attempt to photograph the sunrise and sunset everyday for a whole month.
Buy a new camera or extra/special lenses for my iPhone. (December 2015)
Buy my favorite perfume.
Buy real flowers.
Conquer a fear. (7.1.15)
Donate hair to Locks of Love. (January 2016)
Find out blood type.
Floss once a week for at least a year. (In progress)
If I'm ever going to do it, open an Etsy shop for my canvases.
Keep a regular journal (typed on phone or written in a notebook) for at least a month. (January 2016)
Land an internship. (May 2017)
Learn a new language.
Learn calligraphy.
Learn CPR.
Learn how to sew (better).
Learn how to tie a tie.
Make a "rainy day" fund.

Organize bookmarks/favorites on laptop. (June 2015)

Organize my closet and give away items I don't need anymore.

Organize phone (apps/contacts/notes/photos). (July 2015)

Paint more! (June 2016)
Plan a picnic.
Send out family Christmas cards. (December 2016)
Volunteer at church more.
Vote in an election. (November 2016)
Clean out email inbox. (7.6.15)

Meet 5 blogger friends in person. (1/5)

Send letters to 10 people who have impacted my life.

Update/makeover social media (blog and personal).

Collect more postcards.
Get in the car and just go. (7.8.16)
Go to Arizona.
Go to Disney World (again) and/or Disneyland.
Go to London and visit my British best friend.
Go to NYC. (March 2017)
Ride on a train.
Take a cruise.
Travel out of the country.
Travel to 5 new states. (2017)
Travel up the East Coast. (2017)
Visit a 'Before I Die' wall.
Visit a Bucket List wall and write on it.
Visit a movie set.
Visit Dallas (and hopefully the Design Darling office!).
Visit IKEA. (7.30.16)
Visit Outer Banks in North Carolina.
Visit the So Worth Loving office.
Visit the KJP factory.
Inspire someone else to write a list. (6.3.15: Rebecca)

Friday, May 22, 2015

Friday Favorites

I finished my May-mester class! I just have my online class left, and then I'll be done with school for the summer! :) I've been working on so many things for this blog, but a lot of it is behind the you won't actually be able to tell a difference for a while..I'm also thinking up many blog posts, taking photos, and changing the code for the look of this blog :)
I hope you like how it looks when I'm finally done!
This week has been kind of crazy, so sorry in advance for how this post looks!

Dropbox Tips (Need these.)
Gilmore Girls -- Matt Czuchry (spoiler alert if you haven't watched the season finale!)
Ikea Bed In Breakfast (Who wouldn't love this?!)
KFC Keyboard (I would use this all the time! #noshame)
Sprouse Twins Graduate (I feel so old!)
Taylor Swift Maxim Interview (She's inspiring.)

I know graduations are starting to take place around this time of the year, so here's a little nod to the grads of 2015, whether it's your first or last ceremony.
Kindergarten: here and others (it's a generic speech haha) here.
Congrats Class of 2015! :)

I hope this weekend is full of relaxation for you! Enjoy the sunshine :)

Also, be on the lookout for a special post tomorrow!

Friday, May 15, 2015

Friday Favorites

Week 2 of May-mester finished!

This week has been great. I love the weather right now. Sunshine and shorts are the perfect combination! The weather yesterday actually made me want to study outside!

Colorblind Dad Receives Special Glasses For Birthday: He sees the color of his kids' eyes for the first time. I never thought about how color adds so much to this world!
Deaf Dog Reacts To Music: This is precious + it's a Westie!
Dream Job: An article about my favorite travel blogger, Brooke, from World Of Wanderlust
Engagement Pictures -- Rebecca & Thomas: I stumbled across these photos this week, even though they're from about two months ago. R from The Clothes Horse is lovely, and this shoot turned out great! Picture perfect couple!
Fast Forward: This engaged couple gets a makeover and can literally picture themselves at ages 50, 70, and 90 years old. Their reactions are so sweet!
#FoodRevolutionDay: Jamie Oliver's message + Ed Sheeran's song showcased in a video
Olive Garden Now Has Breadstick Sandwiches: OHMYGOSH PROBABLY NEW FOOD OBSESSION (Sounds so good!)
Palindrome Week: Only in the USA -- today's 5/15/15
Photo Album Take 2: I love that this guy was able to recreate his vacation pictures with his family!
Prince Harry's Interview: Hey Prince Harry, marry me! ;) Just kidding. Anyway, I hope he finds his someone special :)
Tweet-A-Pizza: Order from Domino's with only a tweet!

I hope you have a great weekend! Do something that will make you happy :)
Go to the Farmer's Market. Read a book. Paint. 
Relax! Stay safe, and recharge for next week :)
Remember, you are loved!

Friday, May 8, 2015

Friday Favorites

Summer school started Monday, which means I'm 1/3 of my way through "May-mester" and on my way to earning 5 more college credits! YAY :)
Some say it's crazy to take summer school, but I'll go ahead and say it's great (for me at least). Taking these classes is a great use of my time. I still don't feel like my "summer" has actually started, because it's May, and I'm usually still in school! I'm really glad that I chose to take these courses though, because I'll be done with them by June and have the rest of the summer to relax! :) It's definitely exhausting though. Taking two classes at the same time is tough, but I'm really glad I received the opportunity to take these and knock a few of my general education classes out.

olloclip: adding to my wishlist! :)
Pineapple Jars: SOMEDAY! These would be perfect for my future kitchen!
Taylor Swift's Elle Interview: She's wonderful and she knows how to word what she wants to say in the most perfect way. LOVELOVELOVE her!

I took a weekend trip to watch my sister compete, but I also brought my books along with me.
It's about half fun and half work, but I'm not complaining. I love being home for the summer and spending time with my family :) I hope you have the most amazing weekend, and get some rest!

P.S. After my summer school classes end, I promise I'll post more interesting content! :)

Tuesday, May 5, 2015


Taylor Swift's 1989 tour started today, and I'm not sure the world was ready..
I, being a fan of the singer, went cyber-stalking other TSwift fans, because so many of them were also waiting to see what the first show on her tour would hold. Tumblr's my favorite platform, and you wouldn't believe what my heart went through when I found people's videos and tweets of themselves at her Tokyo show. I had anxiously been awaiting clips of the songs Taylor performed all day and I just couldn't believe it.

My heart is feeling so much right now. I love her songs. I wish I could go to one of her shows. I bet this tour will be so amazing. One website gathered a bunch of fan-recorded videos and let you listen to a couple of the songs she sang today. They're amazing! Check them out here.
Also, it gave the set list for the 1989 tour and OHMYGOSH she performs two of my favorite songs together--and it's pretty much the best ever. Listen here to Enchanted/Wildest Dreams (!!!). Plus, this text post just summed up my life.

I think Taylor would make so much money off her mash-up of Enchanted/Wildest Dreams and the rock version of WANEGBT. Let's please make this a thing.

Thank you Taylor Swift for making (another one of) my day(s)! Your music has helped me through so much. You'll probably never see this, but thank you! :)

Friday, May 1, 2015

1/4! + Friday Favorites

And just like that..freshman year is over!
I moved out of my dorm Wednesday, and now I'm in the process of moving back into my room at home (I say process because it takes a couple of days to have the motivation to unpack your bags..).
It still feels surreal that I'm 1/4 done with my time at college.
Looking back on this year, I've been thinking to myself, did I do everything I wanted to do? Did I make the most of the time I spent on campus? And also, what can I change next year so that next summer I'll feel differently when I reminisce..
Freshman year was a crazy one, for sure. I mean, there were ups and downs, but honestly, that's life.
College is harder than I thought it was going to be. It's definitely not how Instagram and the movies portray it..juggling academics as extracurriculars and a social life was almost like a full time job. Huge shoutout to all the people who go to school and have a job. Wow. I'm super proud of you :)
Hopefully, I'll write many blog posts about my freshman year. I love being home. I have so much free time I don't even know what to do. I'm so excited to devote more time to my blog! More interesting posts coming your way!

If you're taking a study break to read this blog post, here's some links so you can waste a few more minutes..
A love letter to college students everywhere, from your friends at More Love Letters. Read here.
Blake Lively talking about women in the business world..interview here
This guy calls his mom to tell her he booked a tour with Taylor Swift and it's precious. Watch here.

I hope this Friday turns into a Fri-yay for you and that you have the best weekend ever! :)