Tuesday, October 27, 2015

New Vs. Old

A few days ago, I was talking to a friend in my old major, and we were talking about the assignments in each of our individual classes, and the whole time she was talking about one of her Communication classes, I was thinking to myself, "Wow. I am so glad I'm not in that major anymore!" It just re-affirmed my decision to switch majors and made me realize how glad I am that I'm a Business major! I'd rather suffer through a few required classes than hate (almost) all of the classes in the major. I'm really looking forward to the classes I get to take in the coming years, the ones that pertain more to my concentration in my major and minor -- they look SO interesting!
This week's crazy busy, but I'm excited about what lies at the end! If I can just make it there, I'll be okay :) 
My friends and I are attending a Halloween dance, which means FOOD, so obviously that makes me really happy!

I've changed a lot in a year. Throughout this semester, I've caught myself saying out loud or to myself, "Remember last year?" And why? We tend to get stuck in the past, reminiscing or wishing things would have turned out a different way, when the only thing we can do is move forward and enjoy the present. Maybe it's this time of year -- I love the changing of the seasons, no matter how I annoyed I get when I don't know how to dress for it (sweater in the morning, short sleeve t-shirt by the afternoon!). Like Taylor Swift + Ed Sheeran sing, "Everything has changed." (Obviously different circumstances, but still..) This year and last are completely different. I've learned so much about myself during this past year. I've had really cool experiences and opportunities, lessons to be learned, and choices to be made in the last year. Those have all shaped me into who I am today.

New major. New friends. New outlook on life. New way of approaching the world.
The new way is definitely better than the old way.
I'm thankful for the old way of life, because it taught me so much, but I'm also so glad that I don't live in the old way anymore. Now I just need to take each day as it comes, and enjoy it! :)

One of the coolest quotes I've come across recently is, "The trees show us how lovely it is to let the dead things go." Whoa. When you stop and look around at the leaves changing color (and giving us cool photos to Instagram..), it's really amazing to think that we too can let the things that weigh us down go..just release the negative things, and while they may not disappear, at least they are not giving us such a burden to carry anymore. We're free of those things.

Sorry that this post turned out to be more of a journal entry than a blog post..sometimes it's just good for the soul to spill out your heart to strangers on the Internet.. :)

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