Friday, January 30, 2015

Friday Favorites

January's just flown by! Sometimes I feel like I've been back in school forever, but we're only less than a month into the spring semester! I have a lot going on right now, quite a few tests next week, and papers due soon, but I'm going to try and set aside time to blog! :)

Adorable story of a man raising an abandoned lion and the documentary they're in the process of making (here) I really want one! Imagine this lion coming to greet you at the door :)
Baby panda video to brighten your Friday! (here)
Dying dog and owner check off adventures on their bucket list (here) Sad, but such a sweet article!
PUPPIES (here)

How to hide anything on your iPhone (here)
Photo display ideas (here)

Box mix cakes (here)
Fridge/freezer storage chart (here)
10 (cheesy) pizza puns (here)
23 no-bake desserts (here)
McDonald's form of payment: Lovin' (here)
Seattle Seahawks frappuccino @ Starbucks (here)

Auschwitz survivors celebrated the 70th anniversary of their liberation on Tuesday
4 live in London; here are their stories (here)
Memorials around the world (here)
Video that shows footage of camp (here)

Couple was married for 60 years; wife wrote notes and left one for her husband to receive after her death (here) PRECIOUS!
Man's deceased wife's voicemail recovered (here) AWH!
John Krasinski & Emily Blunt (here) ONE OF MY FAV COUPLES

Budweiser's Super Bowl ad (here) OHMYGOSH HOW CUTE
Emma Watson set to play Belle in a live-action movie of Beauty and the Beast (here) and gave inspiring gender equality remarks (here)
Full House cast reunites and sings theme song (here)
Man sends out scratchcard CVs (here)
Principal announces snow day by making a 'Let It Go' parody (here)
Tumblr's most dedicated fandom--Harry Potter (here)

How to enable Google Maps offline (here)
17 cinemas in London (here) MUST.GO.TO.EVERY.SINGLE.ONE.
New ball pond for adults in London (here)

I hope you have a lovely weekend!
Relax, sleep in, treat yo self, and enjoy the next few days before you have to go back to work :)

Friday, January 23, 2015

Friday Favorites

Friday is finally here! This weekend is off to a great start. I'm in my dorm room, and I just finished a crazy game of Apples to Apples with my friends. I plan on going away for part of the weekend to attend a sporting event for my school, but when I return I'm going to try and get a jump start on next week! I have quite a few tests and quizzes coming up that I need to study for!

College has been quite an adventure. I plan on writing many blog posts about my first year, much more detailed than my few sentences here and there in Friday Favorites. I'm sorry about not having as much content as I had hoped. That is definitely a goal for my blog for this year.

One of my all-time favorite bloggers is Mackenzie Horan at Design Darling.
She had quite a few wonderful posts throughout this week, and I just wanted to share them here! :)
For anyone who made a New Year's resolution about organization, let me present this one about cleaning out your closet but looking at it in a brand new light! (here)
I also love this one, 25 easy things you can do in 5 min. or less!

On my wish list for my birthday: these two new bracelets from KJP ( here and here)!
They are the perfect shade of purple and I like the name of the first one (Downton Abbey reference, maybe?!) :)

Listening to the Annie soundtrack!
Talking about this amazing speech given by Emma Watson on gender equality


Riley-- my favorite MasterChef Jr. contestant in S3 (I want him as my little brother!)


Dove ads: Dads and Curls



I hope that this week has been productive for you.
Have a great and relaxing weekend!
Treat Yo Self sometime in the next few days :)

Friday, January 16, 2015

Friday Favorites

Another week of school is finished! I think this semester is going to fly by!
I'm glad I'm able to relax this weekend and hang out with my family :)
Sorry for the lack of blog posts! My life's been crazy! But as you can see, I always find time for the Internet, and for watching a marathon of Modern Family episodes! I'm almost on S3! :)
Also, the amount of links might be overwhelming, but please comment if you would like me to just include my top favorites! I loved so many of these articles/videos/posts that I had to compile them all in one big list! :)

Jamming to Taylor Swift: here
Animals prepared for winter: here
Girl finds out she's going to Disney World: here
Good things come from bad; one sweet dog's story: here
John Krasinski and Emily Blunt's relationship: here
Corgi visits Disney: here
Kid + dog + another kid on Instagram; here
Toddlers recreate fairytale characters: here
Disneybounders Instagram pictures: here

24 coffee shops you should check out on your next road trip: here
You can turn almost any food into pizza: here
18 food Instagram accounts: here
Substitute cauliflower for carbs: here
13 ways to drink more water: here
I've been waiting my whole life for this! 3D food printers (!!!): here
29 soups for those cold winter nights: here
Cookie dough desserts: here

22 apps: here
16 diagrams: here
16 Pinterest accounts: here
Kensington Palace: Instagram and Twitter

Girl Scout history: here (definitely need to order a few boxes soon!)
Artists you need to watch for 2015: here
Teen Court. This is really interesting! (here)
You've Got Mail website: here (it is the exact same as when the movie came out in 1998!)
Be the best healthy you you can be: here
Gina Rodriguez's speech about cultural identity: here
All 66 eps. of Lizzie McGuire: here

Inspired accessories: here
Themed weddings: here
Boston timelapse: here
LOVE this wall art: here

Former flower girl and ring bearer marry 20 years later (here)
Harry Potter snitch themed engagement ring (here)
Groom sees his bride for the first time (here)
Bookstore proposal: here
The perfect food fountain you should have on your big day: here

I hope that this weekend is wonderful for you! Plus, I really hope that over the next few days, I can start planning more blog posts! :) P.S. I love you!

Friday, January 9, 2015

Friday Favorites

This week was full of exciting changes. Spring semester started and having to adjust back to waking up early was tough. Going to classes feels like Christmas break never even happened, but I'm excited for new subjects to study. The weather is way too cold! I love winter fashion, but I dislike the weather. I cannot wait for spring, sunshine and shorts!

BuzzFeed rounded up all the 2015 TV premiere dates (at least for the first half of the year!) here

This girl recreated the 1989 Taylor Swift Polaroids and it's amazing! (here)

An iconic landmark, the sorcerer hat in front of Hollywood Studios since 2001, is being torn down in Disney World. Read about it here.

A wife surprised her husband by announcing their pregnancy in a photo booth (video here).

It is not okay for boys to hit girls and that's exactly what it shows in this video! Precious! Watch here.

Pinterest isn't just for girls! Read more here.

Koalas have mittens made specifically for them..adorable! (here)

I hope all these dogs find wonderful homes, because one person who decided to find and showcase the beauty within these gorgeous creatures, is making their dream a reality. Pictures and article here.

This holiday tradition in a local hospital--SO CUTE (here)

Pig sliding on here

365 day time lapse (here)

This is crazy! The future is here! WHOA
"NEAR-SUPERSONIC SPEEDS" (here) and shortest international flight (here).

A baby panda discovers snow..just watch here.

I hope that this weekend is full of rest and relaxation for you! Wishing you the best :)

Friday, January 2, 2015

Friday Favorites

Here's the first Friday Favorites of 2015!
I am SO excited to begin this new year!

Taylor Swift is one of my favorite celebrities, and her spirit of giving is just one more thing I love about her.
This video is sweet and I hope it makes you smile (and perhaps even cry) as much as I did (here).

Catch Bastille perform 'Pompeii', if you weren't able to on NYE (here).

I made a '2015 Memories' jar and I can't wait to fill it! Here's how to make one of your own :)

Dads everywhere should act like this toward their daughters.
It is precious to see how much how much he cares about her and how he is teaching his daughter to recognize the respect she deserves.
Watch the video here.

I am definitely adding these towns to my travel bucket list! Click here for the list.

Who knew there were this many ginger people in the world who I would wanna be best friends with?! Quiz here. (Emma Stone, Rupert Grint, Ed Sheeran, Prince Harry, etc. :)

I need to roadtrip and book plane tickets ASAP to these places (locations and places here).

This timelapse from NYE in Times Square is whoa! Watch here.

Another reason chocolate might be good for you? Click here.

Even a Friday is made 1000x better with puppies! (here)

THIS. Maybe one day, a certain someone's name on my Facebook will turn into something more for the both of us like in the video here.

S5 of Downton Abbey starts this Sunday, January 4! :)

This is the year that belongs to the Back To The Future reference! It would be cool if half of the things they had in that movie came true, since you know it's the year he went to the future! CRAZY
Click here and here for more details.

I hope you have a safe, wonderful first weekend of 2015! :)