Friday, August 28, 2015

Friday Favorites

Week 1 of sophomore year is almost over. I am SO tired! I love my new dorm (pictures to come!), my friends, and even the classes I'm taking this semester, but everything feels so different this year, and I don't know why.

Bowl: Anthropologie
Bracelet: Forever 21
Card + Cup + Sticker: So Worth Loving
Lotion + Fragrance Mist: Bath & Body Works

'Bunheads' Tribute: I need to re-watch this show. I miss it so much! :(
Instagram's New Update: Yay! :) but pictures look weird in the layout!
J.Crew's Instagram: Friday flowers (here).
Julia's stay in Napa Valley: Outfit + vacation = perfection
Mushu from 'Mulan': 19 reasons why I love this character.
Lucy Liu Shares Photo Of Son: Precious! I'm really excited to start watching Elementary and Graceland!
#NationalDogDay: To the golden retriever (and Westie) I'll own's to you :)
Rebecca's outfit: Love this one!
"Thug Story" Rap: Quiz! I know it pretty well, just saying..

Listening to: 'Love Myself'
Can't wait for Scotty, Selena, Demi, Pentatonix and Adele's next albums! :)

Have an awesome weekend! Take some time for yourself and relax :)

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Goals For The New (School) Year

I'm so excited to be starting day two of my sophomore year of college! Wait, what?! Where did the time go?! 
Here is a list of goals I can look back at to help me stay accountable this school year..

Enjoy this adorable picture of a baby kangaroo! :)

Now let's hop to it..

1. Become more involved in activities on campus.
2. Make new friends :)
3. Eat healthier.
4. Save money.
5. Blog more.
6. Watch (less) Netflix.
7. Keep room clean + social media updated.
8. Organize.
9. Study more + earn better grades than last year!
10. LOVE everyone!

I'll keep this blog updated with how I'm achieving these goals.
Have a terrific Thursday and check back tomorrow for Friday Favorites :)

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Staying Healthy: Mentally & Physically (College Edition!)

It's day 3 of college and I'm already starting to form good habits for this year! YAY! :)
Staying healthy in college is very important! It's important to stay active and eat foods that are good for you.

1. Eat colorfully.
Eat a variety of foods. Everything's good in moderation. You can eat that cookie if you want and not feel bad about it, but also fill your plate with fruits and veggies. Choose to put healthy snack options in your dorm! SO important! I went grocery shopping with my roommate yesterday, and we bought foods we actually needed instead of junk food. Even though we spent a lot of money, we bought food we'll feel good about eating! Foods such as yogurt, cereal, fruit (I hate that fruit's so expensive!) are foods that are good for you and will leave you feeling full.

2. Move!
Decide to make exercise a priority and incorporate it into your daily schedule.
Even if you don't decide to use the gym on campus, there are many YouTube videos dedicated to home workouts that you can also do in your dorm. I watch Yoga with Adriene and I'm going to try out Ballet Beautiful (I linked a video I will definitely be using!). I really like the way Adriene teaches, and I've heard great things about Ballet Beautiful (YouTube search Ballet Beautiful and a variety of exercise videos come up!).
Also, I hate studying, but it's something that's crucial to succeed in college.
When you take study breaks (which are necessary), make sure to get up and move around!


3. Find ways to de-stress.
Listening to music or watching an episode or two on Netflix are great ways for unwinding after a long day. Sometimes the best thing you can do is go to lunch with friends instead of staring at your textbook for another hour. You will find it is good for you and will make you feel more energized so when you get back to your dorm or wherever you study, you can conquer your study session!

4. Hydrate
Drink water and plenty of it. Buy a water pitcher with a filter or a reusable water bottle and refill it multiple times throughout the day. Whether you're walking across campus to classes or to the cafeteria or to visit your friends in their dorm, stay hydrated!

5. Technology
As mentioned in my last post about college, social media can be both good and bad.
Netflix is good (in moderation). But isolating yourself isn't.
Limit your scrolling through Facebook, Instagram, and/or Twitter.
Decide to go out instead of sitting in your dorm room.
Make memories (for yourself!), and if you want to post a picture or two, that's fine. But no one said that the number of pictures you post equates to how much fun you're having in college.
Sometimes the memories you have are the only thing you need. You don't need evidence to show to anyone or compare your time with theirs. Have fun with social media, but don't let it consume you.

Even though I included college in the title of this post, these tips aren't exclusively for people who are at university. Anyone can apply these tips to their own life to improve their lifestyle. Hope they help! :)
Have a great day!

Friday, August 21, 2015

Friday Favorites

Power Of Adoption: One of my favorite links..

Have a great rest of today and an awesome weekend! :)
P.S. I'm moving (back) into college in TWO days! I'm going to try my best to blog and post as usual,  but I need ideas! Comment or contact me through other social media on what you want to see :) I will definitely make a blog post about my dorm! Look for it in the next week or two!

Thursday, August 20, 2015

C Is For Cookie

Today I decided to be (kinda) productive and to treat myself (for packing up most of my stuff for my dorm), I made chocolate chip cookies! Yay!

I've been trying to finish The O.C. (yes, I'm still watching that show..I took a break from it for awhile, but I want to finish it before I go back to school), so I decided to watch (mostly listen) to an episode while I baked! I used this cookie recipe, and my sister taste tested (as always).

2 1/4 cups all-purpose flour
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1 cup (2 sticks) unsalted butter, room temperature
1/2 cup granulated sugar
1 cup packed light-brown sugar
1 teaspoon salt
2 teaspoons pure vanilla extract
2 large eggs
2 cups (about 12 ounces) semisweet and/or milk chocolate chips
*I'm lactose-intolerant, so I substituted the butter for these vegan butter sticks, and the chocolate chips for Trader Joe's chocolate chips.

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. In a small bowl, whisk together the flour and baking soda; set aside. In the bowl of an electric mixer fitted with the paddle attachment, combine the butter with both sugars; beat on medium speed until light and fluffy. Reduce speed to low; add the salt, vanilla, and eggs. Beat until well mixed, about 1 minute. Add flour mixture; mix until just combined. Stir in the chocolate chips.
Drop heaping tablespoon-size balls of dough about 2 inches apart on baking sheets lined with parchment paper.
Bake until cookies are golden around the edges, but still soft in the center, 8 to 10 minutes. Remove from oven, and let cool on baking sheet 1 to 2 minutes. Transfer to a wire rack, and let cool completely. Store cookies in an airtight container at room temperature up to 1 week.

Make a batch for yourself while dancing around the kitchen and singing the wrong lyrics to Shake It Off..
"bakers gonna bake bake bake bake bake"

Happy baking! :)

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Live Colorfully

This year, more than ever, I've been drawn to items of color.
I feel like no matter what it is, if it adds a pop of color, I want to buy it.
Thanks Kate Spade for the awesome inspiration you provide with your wonderful brand :)
Anyway, that's not what this post is about..I wrote another post about college -- one of my favorite things, the dorms! I'm really lucky my family's been able to pay for me to stay in the dorms. It's been so rewarding and I've had the best time. I bought (and received) a few things for the new school year, and I thought I'd share them with you! 
I love these items because of how fun, bright and colorful they are :)
There are many different patterns in this picture, but they somehow work.

Agenda: Wal-Mart
Binder: Wal-Mart
Fruit snacks: Welch's
iPad cover: Wal-Mart
Laptop: Dell
Pillowcases: Sears
Sheets: Target
Storage bin: K-Mart
Towels: JCP
Tumbler: Kate Spade
Yoga mat: TJMaxx (similar)

Have an awesome Tuesday!

Friday, August 14, 2015

Friday Favorites

I can't believe I only have a little more than a week left at home!
I'm super excited about moving back to campus, but sad to leave my family!
They're my best friends, and I'm so thankful for their love and support :)
Ahhhhh! I have so much to do, things to pack, to-do lists to complete..

Reassurance: Loved reading this. "Life isn't always comfortable." <3
Rebecca's been killing it over on The Clothes Horse: I've loved every single outfit she put together this week :)
Seriously, how can Isabella be so perfect? That girl's going places. I love every single outfit she puts together!
The Emperor's New Groove: One of my favorite Disney movies.
Time Lapse Of Pregnancy Journey: Love the UP references!

Have a great rest of your Friday + enjoy your weekend! :)

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Lessons Learned Freshman Year

I've been thinking about writing this post for quite some time. I want to make sure that what I say here accurately reflects my freshman year experience. I am still in shock that my first year of college is over and that in just a little less than two weeks, I move back in! Freshman year was full of so many lessons, both in and out of the classroom. I learned so much about myself and the world around me. Thinking back over freshman year inspired me to write a few things I learned from my time at college (so far).

1. Healthy Relationships
Aside from what they majored in, the majority of people would say that this is the most important aspect of college. Whether it comes to friendships or dating, maintaining healthy relationships is key to enjoying your time at college. I'm thankful for the friends I made freshman year, whether it was in my "intro. group" or in the various clubs I joined.
Make sure that the people you spend time with lift you up, not drag you down. The people you "do life" with are supposed to encourage and nourish your soul.
If you have a relationship that you feel is toxic to your life, it doesn't mean you have to endure it. Take action for yourself and decide what is best for you. Surround yourself with people who embody the same values as you. You only want people who will love and support you!

2. "Freshman 15"
This does not define you! But, it's also never too early to start implementing healthy habits. I think unless you're a collegiate athlete or already have a regular routine of diet/exercise, it's hard not to gain a few pounds in your first few months at college. I gained a little bit of weight my freshman year. While it wasn't too noticeable, I realized that I needed to change my lifestyle if I wanted to look and feel my best. I started choosing healthier options in the cafeteria, made time for exercise in my schedule, and drank a lot of water! (A whole post about this topic later!)

3. Budget!
I love shopping as much as the next person, but this year, I realized just how much I actually spend!
I started keeping track of my receipts and totaling how much money I was spending on various items and found out that I spend way too much money on food and trivial items. Speaking as a college kid, you don't have a lot of money in the first place, so you definitely don't want to waste what little money you do have on things that aren't very important. Know when to spend and when to save.

4. Classes aren't just for classroom learning; it's learning about yourself.
One of the hardest lessons, but so needed.
I didn't do so great on a test for my major. I'd never made a grade like that in my life before that one. That day, I didn't know whether to be in shock or denial or what. I thought I knew the material. I thought I understood exactly what I was supposed to study, so how could I have made such a terrible grade on that test? Well, what I learned from that class (that I didn't even need once I switched majors) is that that major wasn't the right one for me. I learned I'm not perfect; I'm human and I make mistakes. I have no idea what I'm going to do for a job, and I have no idea if the major that I'm now in will ultimately decide my career later on in life. All I know is that the best will come out of a bad situation, even though I don't know what the best for me is right now.

5. It's okay to step outside of your comfort zone.
This is one of my favorite things I learned freshman year.
Last fall, on a whim, I decided to run to be part of my university's Student Government Association or SGA. I had never gotten too involved in high school, but I decided that college was going to be different. It turned out to be one of the best decisions of my college career.
I made so many new friends and didn't realize until then that I enjoyed the decision making process, budgeting, and learning and growing from the relationships that were formed in SGA.
I joined a few other clubs freshman year, but none that influenced me as much as SGA did.

6. Social Media
Don't let others intimidate you or get distracted by what others post on social media.
Let them live their lives and you live yours :)
Instagram/Twitter/Facebook are all great to interact with others, but don't use them as a comparison tool to see who is having more fun at college. Everyone's college experience is different.
Remember: social media is everyone's highlight reel. Don't compare that to your behind the scenes.

I have a few more college posts in the works -- stay tuned!
Have a great Tuesday! :)

Friday, August 7, 2015

Friday Favorites

Advice For Back To School From T-Swift: Love her and her words of wisdom so much! What she says is so true.
Budget Travelers: Here's a few of the cheapest countries you can visit!
Font Tutorial: Bloggers helping bloggers -- I love it! This is definitely a must if you're looking for something to up your blog in terms of style and personality :)
Hollywood's Problem: This needs to happen ASAP to reflect today's society.
Julia's outfits are always perfect. I can't wait to visit San Francisco someday.
Mackenzie Horan's Annual Boutique Birthday Sale: I've said it before, and I'll say it again -- I need this purple and green Turkish towel.. It would match literally everything in my room.
Mulan: Why she's my favorite Disney princess!
Netflix's New Policy: I wrote about working mothers for a paper in one of my classes last semester, and this article definitely would have helped!
Rebecca's post from yesterday is lovely. Living in a gatehouse would be so neat!
The Parting Glass: Beautiful song sung by Ed Sheeran
Taylor Swift's New Single: Never in my 'Wildest Dreams' did I think this would be released as her next single! Super excited about this :) It's one of my favorite songs!
Vegan Funfetti Cupcakes: Celebrate! :)
100 Puppy Photos: You're welcome.
27 Random Websites: Check out a couple so you so can waste even more time today..

P.S. Check out the cool social media icons I added recently!

Relax this weekend :)
Have a great day!

Thursday, August 6, 2015

I Want A Beach House

Every time I go to the beach, it makes me want to live there. Maybe I will, one day..
I would love to own a beach house, but not just anywhere near the ocean.
I want to live in Brighton, England, to be exact.
If you've never heard of this small seaside city, don't worry. I hadn't either until a few months ago when London's Instagram account mentioned it and I saw various Snapchat pictures.
I fell in love at first sight!
The beach houses, the beach chairs, the boardwalk, the ferris wheel..
everything screams beach, and I absolutely adore it!

Every single time I see Brighton mentioned on Snapchat, I screenshot a picture!
The views are too lovely not to :)
Brighton and London are two of my favorite Instagram accounts I follow.
Their pictures brighten my day whenever I see them, and they both have gorgeous feeds!
Check them out here and here.

Here a few reasons why I love this beautiful beach city..

Have an awesome Thursday!
Don't forget about tomorrow's Friday Favorites :)
P.S. Notice the awesome social media icons on the side? I finally finished working on them!
Of course there are a dozen other things that need work on my blog, but hey, it's a start :)

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Summer Reading

Before yesterday, I couldn't even remember the last time I finished a book and that made me sad.
I haven't had to do any "required" summer reading for about 3 years, so that obviously gives me time to read what I want to read, right? Unfortunately, I've only read about 5 books in the past few years for fun. I used to LOVE reading. What happened? I think I started watching more TV shows and spending more time on social media. I spent more time losing myself in those worlds instead of the fictional worlds of literature. And I miss it. I've missed Hogwarts, and dystopian societies, and other various places where I was truly involved in the characters' lives.

My August goal is to read more books and to read a little before bed each night (instead of going on social media or watching Netflix).

I'm currently (re-)reading both Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone and The Longest Ride.
Yesterday, I finished Delirium in less than 24 hours, and I also plan on re-reading Allegiant.

Any book recommendations? I'm open to any genre :)