Friday, November 28, 2014

Friday Favorites

I hope everyone had a lovely Thanksgiving!
I certainly did, with food in my stomach, Black Friday ads scattered on the floor and family around, this year was certainly a different kind of holiday but a good one! :)
This is adorable! I should have added this video to yesterday's post, but forgot, so you can watch it here now :)

Movies/TV Shows:
Paddington--check out this adorable clip (here!)
The Imitation Game--watch the trailer here
The Theory Of Everything--watch the trailer here

Girl Online--buy it here!

Who wouldn't want a cape dress? (A few to choose from here!)

Social Media:
This is crazy! But yay! Tumblr > Instagram (read here!)
A precious Christmas ad ft. Romeo Beckham--watch here
A Facebook article that is particularly interesting--read here

Harry Potter works its magic in this new study. Read here.
I'm such a multitasker..I would use multiple items on this list AT THE SAME TIME (check them out here).
I love this article. Taking the quiz in 3, 2, 1..check it out here
Can I have one, please?! All I want for Christmas is a..raccoon! (pictures here!)
I want a husband/father to act like this to our future sweet! watch here :)
5 reasons music is good for you! Read here.

I hope you have a wonderful rest of your weekend!
Stay safe and have fun!
So much love :)

Thursday, November 27, 2014


Yes, the title of this blog post is a hashtag..21st century probs? Maybe..
I love this time of year, with all the festivities and holiday cheer. 
I love spending time with the people I love most, and being able to take a break from the stress of school and enjoy good food.
I love my family and friends and I'm so very thankful for them and the impact they've had on my life.
I love the way the sun sets and how the beauty all around us is evidence of God and His love for us.
I love that it's cold enough to layer and the chance that snow could possibly be right around the corner.
I love the fact that I can post on here and say that I'm thankful for YOU.
No matter who you are, where you live, or what you do, I am so glad that you stumbled across my blog in the middle of cyberspace and chose to read this..
I want to let you know that I'm thankful for you.
Even if I never meet you in person, the chance that I might be able to connect with you via the Internet makes me excited because each and every one of you is an individual on this Earth that is special and important and loved and you deserve to know that.
I love you.
#ImThankfulFor you!

hot cocoa with marshmallows

holiday dorm decorations

pumpkin pie making

Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade--it's a tradition to watch it every year!

McDonald's is ready for Christmas!

If you can't already tell from my IG/blog/Tumblr, I heart sunsets SO MUCH

Happy Thanksgiving!
Hoping you guys (specifically people in the USA) had a wonderful meal with turkey and/or ham + all the trimmings, and a great day in general spent with those you love!
To everyone: have the best rest of your day/night! :)
Friday Favorites--tomorrow!
Also, if you go Black Friday shopping, stay safe and good luck snagging some great deals!

Friday, November 21, 2014

Friday Favorites

I'm still alive, but I'm barely breathing (aka stressing 'cause exams are just a couple of weeks away!) BUT..the holidays are right around the corner which I am SO EXCITED about! AHHHHHH
I have so much to do! For both school and holiday planning :)
So much shopping, decorating, baking, studying, and social activities going brain's going about a million miles an hour..

As the semester draws to a close, it makes me think of how it is both scary and exciting to begin a new part of the holidays are approaching, it makes me think back on this year and all it entailed..but I'm looking forward and not back. I'm ready for a new year..

I saw Mockingjay last night! It was amazing!
Definitely my favorite so far out of the 3 movies that have been released so far!

I can't believe Black Friday's ONLY ONE WEEK AWAY!
I really like the purple Beats and the Nikon camera (here).
And..I'm still trying to find a really good deal on a KitchenAid mixer..

This week..

Less than 6 days to Thanksgiving!
Every day, I am given so much and am not always thankful.
I know I should be, and I hope I can be more grateful from now on!

I hope this weekend will be one of the best!

Sorry, this post isn't the best :/

Today..I've watched 3 movies so far and about 6 tv episodes..oops #collegelife?!

Friday, November 14, 2014

Friday Favorites

This week was so busy!
With the semester drawing to a close, finals and studying are #1 on my mind right now..
But, hopefully, I won't be too busy to post a few #ootds soon! :)

Sorry for not as many links this week! :(

I love these two violinists' cover of Shake It Off! Listen here.

A Christmas advertisement that will break your heart! Watch here.

Love this lip-sync of Taylor Swift, singing her new single! Click here.
Plus, watch her new music video that was released on Monday (here).

The Royal Family's coming to the USA!
I cannot wait to see pictures of what Kate's going to wear and I hope Prince George comes!
Read here.

Al Roker set a new world record! Look here.

This week:
I watched..Parks & Recreation (finished the first season in a day--don't worry, it only has 6 episodes!) AND caught up on season 2 of MasterChef Jr. (the most adorable competition show on tv! :)
I listened to..1989 (of course!)
I ate..the best rice (cause i'm home for the weekend! yay :) and I'm able to enjoy home-cooked meals once again!)
I first hot chocolate of the season!

I hope your weekend is just as wonderful as you are!
I cannot wait to spend this time with my favorite people! I love being home with my family!
Even though the temperature seems to be dropping a few degrees more each day, at least it's an excuse to wear cute fall/winter outfits, right? :)
In the next few days, make sure to stay warm and start decorating for the holiday season! :)
I'm going to go preheat my oven to bake some of those holiday-themed sugar cookies Pillsbury always comes out with this time of year..

Friday, November 7, 2014

Friday Favorites

Another week has come and gone..and the holidays are just a little bit closer! I'm so excited!
I even bought Christmas-themed dorm decorations today!
(Don't worry--I'll wait a few days to actually start taping snowflakes to my door :)

Whether it was a company's marketing strategy or something else, it shows just how crazy our world is. From having 140+ followers to less than a week later, having half a million followers, it's amazing how a person can gain popularity in such a short time frame! Can this happen to me?! I want to talk to Ellen!
Watch here. Even he doesn't believe that he's an overnight sensation!

In other Target news, the store is offering free shipping for anything and everything that is available in their stores! Perfect for the holiday season!

Microsoft Office is FREE and now available to users of Apple iPhones, iPads, and Androids!
Read all about it here.

OHMYGOSH and we thought the story of the toys was over..nope! It's back!

Autumn is probably the prettiest season ever..just take a look at these pictures!

One of my best friends recently sent me links to past John Lewis' Christmas advertisements, and they are precious! Here is this year's ad, ft. Monty the Penguin!

BuzzFeed has the most random articles, but I always 100% agree with the food ones! :)
I loaf bread so the rest here ;D

Example of how much I love food would be..this. I would definitely try to get the most out of this Pasta Pass from Olive Garden!

Found this out yesterday afternoon--Season Six of Downton Abbey was greenlit!
Season Five is not over yet because their season finale (the Christmas special) hasn't aired, but I am already looking forward to this new season full of unexpected twists and turns!

Insurgent posters are out and better than any that have ever come out before!
They're interactive and 3-D! Check them out here! There's 8 total!

I'm a happy fangirl..because so many of my fandoms have had exciting news this week! :)

Wishing you a wonderful weekend that's filled with happy times spent with those you love!
Go make some memories! :)
Enjoy your Friday night!

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Just A Girl Trying To Find A Place In This World

All my life growing up people told me I was smart, and nice, and pretty. And maybe that was partially true, but that's not what life is all about. It is so much more than that. I want to do something with my life, but I have absolutely no idea. I feel like each day is one step closer to figuring it out, but it's hard to be patient. I know that. I've always had a hard time with that particular characteristic of my personality. I hate waiting around when I feel like I could be the one doing something to make it happen faster..

I feel like since school started in August, it's been one crazy roller coaster ride. I have learned so much in the short time I've been here, but I'm thankful for the lessons. If I hadn't gone through certain situations, I wouldn't be where I am today. I've learned that I won't always be the smartest person in a class, or the nicest, or the prettiest. There will always be other people who are better than me, but I'm slowly learning to accept that. College has already helped me out a lot reminded me that I do not have to be the best, but taught me that I should always be the best version of me.
That's probably the most important thing I've learned since I moved here..a lesson I didn't learn in a classroom. Along the way, it will become easier to accept this, but as Dolly Parton said once, "If you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain."

This semester has been a rough one for me. It was easy at first..I didn't mind moving to a dorm room (and actually I like not having so many material things, because 1. There's no room even if I wanted to have more and 2. I feel lighter), adjusting to college in general, and making new friends. But the last couple of days, I have become really tired. I want change, but I'm not sure how I'm going to make that happen. Sure, I like a routine, but what I really crave is adventure. I want to travel, and seeing as how I've just begun college, I feel like that is far away in the future..I have a terrible case of wanderlust and I'm trying really hard to convince my mom to take our family to London next summer..we'll see what happens..

I'm also in the process of trying to make a schedule for next semester, because yes! We are at that point in the school year where we're already thinking about next year! I cannot believe how fast my first semester of college passed by. People who told me that these next four years fly by were not kidding! I am actually really excited to begin another semester..a new year full of new classes with new people..with new opportunities. I'm always ready for a fresh start.

So, I don't really know what the point of this blog post was supposed to be about..I just wanted to tell you (if anyone is even reading this) that I'm doing life same as you, and even though I cannot wait for next year, I'm also scared to death. That means I have to make new friends, adjust to a new schedule, and try to figure out how to have a social life with my schoolwork and (hopefully!) a job I'm applying for. If you ever wanna talk, I have links on my blog where you can find out how to contact me if you want. I'd love to chat!
I'm on a journey, but that doesn't mean I wouldn't appreciate company along the way :)
"I'm just a girl trying to find a place in this world.."
(P.S. Yes, I just quoted old Taylor Swift lyrics, but that doesn't mean I love 1989 any less! I'm listening to her newest album's probably driving my roommates insane..)

I love Polaroids

rainboots + flowers

i'm just gonna bake, bake, bake, bake, bake..BAKE IT OFF!

I'm off to study, like I should have been doing the entire time this blog post was being written, but oh well, YOLO! Is that still acceptable?
Have a wonderful night!