Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Downton Abbey

There are many reasons why Downton Abbey is one of my favorite TV shows.
I have many favorites, but whenever someone asks me what my all-time favorite is, I always answer with Downton Abbey. Yes, a lot of it has to do with the characters -- people we can laugh with, cry over and relate to. People from all around the world have come to know and love this show, and there are plenty of reasons why. The number one reason I love this show is because I love the people I share it with and the memories I've made because of it. I bond with people over it, quote it (way too) often, and have had more than one tea party on account of the television show being centered around the English characters and their way of life. I've watched this show with people who mean so much to me -- my grandma, mom, sister, roommate, close friends. Taking time out of a busy schedule to sit down and enjoy a television show is so rare nowadays, and I'm been so lucky and fortunate to have had quite a few of those moments. I also reminisce when I watch an episode..it can take me back to the times when I watched Downton Abbey at my grandma's house, or last year when my roommate and I decided to take food back to our dorm so we could continue binge-watching DA. And, this year, the final season, we're able to watch the last season of Downton Abbey together.
I am so thankful for this TV show and how much of an impact it's made on my life.

A subtle nod to my Downton Abbey obsession in my dorm room..

Have an awesome Tuesday!

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