Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Another Year Has Come And Gone

Happy (early) New Year!
and to anyone who is already in 2015, hope you had a spectacular celebration! :)

Who else is excited to begin a brand new year?!

I'm excited to see what this year has in store!
I'm also ready to let go of 2014..
Some things that happened this year are not allowed to move forward with me into the next part of my life.
I am ready to start a new chapter and I hope that I am prepared for it as best as I can.

I'm starting my 2015 Memories Jar tonight, and I can't wait to read what it will hold this time next year.

I'm watching New Year's Eve (2011) while I write this, and I'll probably end up viewing the clip from High School Musical where Troy and Gabriella sing at the ski lodge as well. Is anyone else freaked out that it's been eight years since that movie came out?!

New Year's Eve is a time where you can think of what has happened during the year, be thankful for the good, acknowledge the bad and learn from it, and prepare for the year ahead.

I can't even believe all that happened this year. Some things feel like they happened forever ago, but in reality, it was only a few months ago. I mean, the Olympics (!!!!), took place in February of this year!

What a year it's been!

This year, I graduated high school, started college and completed my first semester, stepped out of my comfort zone, started a blog, and learned much more about who I am in the process.

I am ready for 2015, and I hope that this year is ready for me.

Best of luck to all starting a brand new chapter in their book of life.
Let's make this one of the best.
365 days = 365 opportunities and chances to make 2015 a wonderful one.

Friday, December 26, 2014

Friday Favorites

The last Friday Favorites of the year!
(Sorry this post is short! I didn't write it in advance; I'll probably do a follow up post for 2014 later on, which means in 2015! :)

2014 movies: here

Let It Go flashmob: here

Netflix tricks: here

How to improve your New Year's resolutions: here

I'm off to watch the S5 Downton Abbey Christmas special! :)

Somehow, someway, Tumblr will always come through for you..SO many people sent me Happy Holidays/Merry Christmas messages this year and I just want to thank you! Those have been very inspiring and helpful for me during this Christmas season after the year I've had! One of the sweetest things you guys have ever done for me! I am so thankful for an amazing community full of loving people! Thank you <3

Hope you all have had the most wonderful Christmas holiday and are enjoying the last few days of 2014! I hope next year is one of the best ones! :)

Friday, December 19, 2014

Friday Favorites

Less than a week till Christmas! OHMYGOSH
Anyone else freaking out?!

If you put the holidays and pranks together, you get John Krasinski and Jimmy Kimmel's ultimate prank the video here. It's hilarious!

Whoa! J.K.Rowling blew us away again. Her response to a Twitter question is clever yet perfectly states her opinion on the issue. Crazy brilliant. Read about it here.

There's nothing quite like a proposal..I especially love this one because I'm a big fan of photobooths! Watch the video here.

Puppies + presents (here)

This is just sad. Why can't I be this well dressed? Read more about the kids who made new style rules and look out for them on IG here.

THIS is so important! Here's to YA female leads in books and the generation that they have inspired so here.

This pug and I have so much common..basically, #weheartfood
Watch the entertaining video here.

Bucket list: receive or give a puppy for Christmas!
(Just look at these people's reactions in this video!)

Sorry not sorry. I'm actually a fan of this remix! Listen here.

Goals. "Maybe this room and this building is trying to reflect society and reflect America."
I think it would be so cool to be a woman at the White House who was chosen to ask the President a question!

I wish I could draw (anything) from memory! This guy is talented! Photos and article here.

Both of these links include tips that are useful when you're money-conscious and/or looking for
alternatives to the clothes you would normally buy!
For petite women: 5'4" and
Buying clothes in the men's dept. is way cheaper!

Have a great (last) weekend before Christmas! :)

Credit: here

P.S. I have a holiday themed post I've been working on for awhile, and I can't wait to share it! :)

Friday, December 12, 2014

Friday Favorites

It's Friday. I survived exams..barely. I'm at home and I can't wait to bake and read and paint and shop for Christmas presents and blog and so much more!
Two weeks from yesterday will be Christmas! Can you believe it?!

I will never be NOT obsessed with Taylor Swift and her's an acoustic (!!!!!) mash-up of her 1989 album. Also, her inspiration is another reason why I love some of her thought-provoking words here!

YES! French Toast Crunch was so good aaaaaaaand it's (coming) back! Read more about the cereal's return here.

Think you know everything about your favorite Disney princess? Read here to find out more.

A breakfast cereal cafe? Count. Me. In! This is awesome. Check it out here.

Take this quiz  to find out how obsessed with pizza you are..obviously, it should be like 110%!

Natural Disaster just became my favorite song, even though it's an old one by Pentatonix..listen here.

how precious is this little boy?!
watch this video RIGHT NOW! you won't regret it!
either you'll be crying, smiling, or both at the end of the video!

If you couldn't tell (based on the number of links I've included about them before on this blog..), pandas are my favorite animal! This video is so precious!

This is insane, and actually kinda about the crazy waitlist for duck boots from L.L.Bean here.

What we've all been waiting for! Watch the Insurgent trailer here!
This is a short glimpse into the amazing movie that we all know it will be! :)

I've been marathon-ing the Harry Potter movies with my sister, and I just want to say how much I love this series! Maybe I'll also have time to read the books over the holidays as well :)

Don't forget to check out the stories that J.K.Rowling will be posting on Pottermore for the next 12 days as an early Christmas present to her fans! Read about it here (the link I included is going to update each day with the story that was revealed!).

Enjoy another wonderful holiday weekend! I hope it's magical for you! :)

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

1/8 DONE

I'm done with my first semester of college! What?!
Finals wrapped today, and my brain is so tired!
I don't feel like writing or thinking for at least a few days..all my energy is completely drained!
I think I did okay with my exams and I should end the semester with at least reasonable grades :)
It seems so crazy that I am able to enjoy almost a whole month at home with no classes, tests, or projects to worry about! I'm very excited to celebrate my favorite holiday with my family!
I cannot wait to cook and decorate and play holiday music and wrap presents and shop, and so much else that accompanies the Christmas season! :)
Baking, reading, catching up on tv shows..all the many wonderful things I haven't been able to do while away at college!
I've been sleeping in my Christmas PJs since the start of December, and it just makes me happy to go to sleep..also, there's Christmas cookies on them..

My attempt at taking an artsy holiday picture ft. my pajamas and a candy cane :)

I cannot wait to blog more over the holiday season!

I'm off to SLEEP in my own queen-sized bed (this is probably one of the best reasons for coming home!) and watch MasterChef Jr., because yes, I am that girl! :)

Sleep well!

I cannot wait to share this week's Friday Favorites!
To everyone in the Divergent fandom, be on the look out for an extra special link this week!

Have a great day/night!

Friday, December 5, 2014

Friday Favorites

Exam week is in full swing..I finished one yesterday and I have the rest next week, so this weekend I'll be studying alot! History, math, so much information to go over before my exams! I can't believe that my first semester of college is almost over! It's crazy how fast a few months can pass by! At least I'll take a (small) study break and take some time out to enjoy a Christmas party I'm attending tomorrow night! :)

This cover is simply beautiful. Watch and listen here.

Emma Watson is wonderfully herself, and she never tries to be anything she's not. Read 25 reasons why here.

This boy can dance! Watch here.

This video of two children arguing will "poke your heart!" :) Click here to see the video.

Little kid love is the kind we should all have. Click here to see the touching letter a little boy wrote to a girl he liked.

Dreams DO come true! You can now buy Girl Scout cookies online and have them shipped to your door! BUY ME A MILLION BOXES OF LEMONADES AND I'LL LOVE YOU FOREVER
Here's the article.

Can't wait to book a flight to London one day to meet my British best here.
I could also use these travel links as well.

The holiday season has begun, and with it Advent! I love Advent calendars and became really excited when BuzzFeed posted this article with 25 different ones for all types of people relating to their various interests and likes.

Google Translate some popular songs into other languages and then back into English..the results are hilarious! Watch here.

Start a (dance) matter what age you are! If you do, the results will probably end up looking something like this..

Harry Potter fans..early Christmas present(s) to you from more about it here!

(Below are links I forgot to put in past #FridayFavorites! Sorry when you see the date..they're kinda old!)

I'M SO EXCITED! A sequel to My Big Fat Greek Wedding is in the here.

This is crazy..what a task! Twitter..I admire you! Read about it here.

Insurgent finally came out with a teaser trailer..and well, it was intense..but it doesn't really relate to what happened in the book..I don't know what to think about this..and when I saw Mockingjay, I was hoping for a new, REAL trailer..but that didn't happen :'( see what you think here!

click for the article and pictures here!

This is my favorite cooking show! So adorable! Read here.

I love these posts about what to gift the traveler in your life: herehere, and here.

Hope you have an amazing weekend!
I'm off to study some, which will probably result in turning on Christmas music and working math problems! Or watching more Parks & Rec episodes..if I'm being honest.
Enjoy the first Saturday and Sunday in this beautiful holiday month! :)
Stay safe, eat some Christmas cookies, and if you're studying for finals, good luck and do your best! Remember your worth is not a letter grade!
Have a great rest of today! :)