Saturday, October 4, 2014

What Saturdays Are For

Today has been better than expected.
At first, I thought it was going to be another long day where I would just study for hours on end with no fun in-between.
Staying on campus during the weekend is both good and bad.
Sometimes with the right people, a few days at your school can be exciting!
And then there are those times where the weekend drags on and you cannot wait for people to come back on campus if only to hear about the fun times that they had over their weekend.
This weekend wasn't the most exciting and yes, it has only been a day so far.
But, today I was able to accomplish a few things--check at least two off my to-do list and prepare myself for the upcoming week.
I studied outside, because who wouldn't want to on a gorgeous sunny day like today?
And as soon as I stepped out this evening, it felt like perfect fall weather.
All I wished for was a big bonfire so I could make s'mores. (I'm always hungry!)
I met up with a few friends to eat lunch today, then studied for a few of my classes outside, went to a concert, and now I'm back in my dorm to study some more and work on a paper.
No procrastination for this girl (well, there are exceptions..I always take a few short breaks so I can scroll Tumblr for a bit and read some blogs, but then back to studying!), or else it will show when my work comes back to me.

I hope everyone's having a wonderful weekend.
I cannot wait to start planning fall activities. Just let me make it through this week, then I think I have a few events in the works that I cannot wait to see happen. I promise there will be pictures eventually!
I'm sorry there was no Friday Favorites this week--I didn't have the time or inspiration. I'll be back at it next week! I ordered a few items off Etsy recently and I cannot wait to feature them on here!

This is what Saturdays are for--the perfect mix of lazy and (kinda) productive.
Accomplishment + procrastination is the combination I would label myself achieving as I watched a football game at the same time as I worked math problems this afternoon.
Thanks to my wonderful friends for keeping my spirits up, my roommate offering to go buy food that's not from our school cafeteria (not that it's not good--but there's only so much of the same repetitive meal you can eat), laughter, music and love. Because there have been SO many reminders of love to me this weekend.
Love will always be there to heal and comfort. I can only thank those and share love with others and help offer encouragement to the people around me. No matter if I'm close to them or not, blood-related or not, I will give love to humans. (This is just inspiring me to write a completely different blog post about this! :)

Rest. Eat. Sleep. Relax. Dream. Walk. Read. But most importantly, love.
Love others today and everyday.

This is what Saturdays are for--to remind me no matter how busy my week has been, I need to take some time for myself and be thankful for this extraordinary life I'm living. It's the little things, truly.

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