Tuesday, July 26, 2016


I can't believe that I'm just a few days short of a month until I move back into a dorm! What?! I can't believe I'm about to start my junior (!!!) year of college! Now that I'm officially an "upperclassman", I feel like I have so much more responsibility to myself and my fellow students. I'm so excited to begin this year, and start making some awesome memories.
I've learned so much in the past two years, and yet I still have so much to learn :)

A few of my goals for this year include:
+Maintaining my current GPA
I know I keep saying this, but I'm in a major I love and enjoy learning more about, and my grades have definitely reflected that. Even though my classes are becoming increasingly more difficult, I hope I can keep my current GPA and maybe even boost it :)
+Study material more thoroughly
Here's an area where I definitely have room to improve. I hate reading the required text, but it's definitely necessary in order to understand the material covered in my classes. I hope to set aside more time to study.
+Spend more time IRL than online
I blogged 3x a week during the first semester of my sophomore year, but it took a lot of time and energy that I could have devoted to something else. I enjoyed it, but it wasn't something I was extremely passionate about. I would like to become even more involved on campus, so I'm going to try and spend more time offline this year. I became even more aware of the fact that I spend way too much time online this summer, so I'm hoping to cut back on that amount. 
+Be kinder than necessary
School's tough, and in general the world is, so with that in mind, it's nice to see a smiling face or talk to a friendly person. I hope I can be that someone to others :)
+Eat healthier + exercise more
I've been on somewhat of a healthy kick (more than usual), so I hope I can keep it up when I go back to school. Also, I hope I can make and keep an exercise routine as soon as school begins!

P.S. The above photo isn't the school I go to. It's Texas A&M (my cousin's school)!

Have a great Tuesday :)

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