Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Staying Healthy: Mentally & Physically (College Edition!)

It's day 3 of college and I'm already starting to form good habits for this year! YAY! :)
Staying healthy in college is very important! It's important to stay active and eat foods that are good for you.

1. Eat colorfully.
Eat a variety of foods. Everything's good in moderation. You can eat that cookie if you want and not feel bad about it, but also fill your plate with fruits and veggies. Choose to put healthy snack options in your dorm! SO important! I went grocery shopping with my roommate yesterday, and we bought foods we actually needed instead of junk food. Even though we spent a lot of money, we bought food we'll feel good about eating! Foods such as yogurt, cereal, fruit (I hate that fruit's so expensive!) are foods that are good for you and will leave you feeling full.

2. Move!
Decide to make exercise a priority and incorporate it into your daily schedule.
Even if you don't decide to use the gym on campus, there are many YouTube videos dedicated to home workouts that you can also do in your dorm. I watch Yoga with Adriene and I'm going to try out Ballet Beautiful (I linked a video I will definitely be using!). I really like the way Adriene teaches, and I've heard great things about Ballet Beautiful (YouTube search Ballet Beautiful and a variety of exercise videos come up!).
Also, I hate studying, but it's something that's crucial to succeed in college.
When you take study breaks (which are necessary), make sure to get up and move around!


3. Find ways to de-stress.
Listening to music or watching an episode or two on Netflix are great ways for unwinding after a long day. Sometimes the best thing you can do is go to lunch with friends instead of staring at your textbook for another hour. You will find it is good for you and will make you feel more energized so when you get back to your dorm or wherever you study, you can conquer your study session!

4. Hydrate
Drink water and plenty of it. Buy a water pitcher with a filter or a reusable water bottle and refill it multiple times throughout the day. Whether you're walking across campus to classes or to the cafeteria or to visit your friends in their dorm, stay hydrated!

5. Technology
As mentioned in my last post about college, social media can be both good and bad.
Netflix is good (in moderation). But isolating yourself isn't.
Limit your scrolling through Facebook, Instagram, and/or Twitter.
Decide to go out instead of sitting in your dorm room.
Make memories (for yourself!), and if you want to post a picture or two, that's fine. But no one said that the number of pictures you post equates to how much fun you're having in college.
Sometimes the memories you have are the only thing you need. You don't need evidence to show to anyone or compare your time with theirs. Have fun with social media, but don't let it consume you.

Even though I included college in the title of this post, these tips aren't exclusively for people who are at university. Anyone can apply these tips to their own life to improve their lifestyle. Hope they help! :)
Have a great day!

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