Wednesday, September 10, 2014

I Donut Know What I Would Do Without You

I am so thankful for the invention of the Krispy Kreme doughnut. I know this is super random, but I just had to say it. I ate two tonight, yet I don't think I could ever be sick of them. Whoever came up with this delectable treat, you rock! Sorry, I just really wanted the name of my blog post to be punny ;)

Two things I could not imagine life without: my mom and food. Seriously.
I love them both so much! Obviously, two different types of love, but love nonetheless.

This afternoon, I had a major meltdown. I have two tests coming up soon, and I was freaking out.
Tests 40 %, hunger 10%, and 50 % sleep deprivation. I guess that's college for ya!
I was able to talk to my mom and she calmed me down and helped me work out what I was dealing with. She gave of her time and I'm so lucky to call her my mom and also my best friend. Thank you for always supporting and encouraging me!

I went grocery shopping this afternoon, and as I was standing in the checkout line, my mom offered to pay. S/O to you, Mom! The total came to a little under $100 and whoa, who knew food was this expensive until you come to college and are on your own and have to pay for it yourself?! I am so very grateful for my mom and all the many things she does for me. Thank you for being your wonderful self, helping and giving so generously!

I'm off to sleep, because college is slowly draining me of energy, and when morning comes, I want to pull the covers over my head and go back to dreamland. Let's hope I'll be able to get an adequate amount of sleep, so I will wake up ready to conquer the day!

Have a wonderful rest of tonight & Thursday! :)

Carpe Diem--Seize the day!

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