Thursday, September 18, 2014

Catching (A) Cold

The seasons are changing, the air is chilly and I am in love.
 In love with this time of year. Words cannot describe how much I love this season.
Autumn is simply wonderful. I love every single part of it, even though the changing weather causes colds more often than I (or anyone for that matter) would like.

Being sick is a college kid's worst nightmare. You have to go to class and pretend like you're great and don't mind sitting through an hour and a half lecture. When in reality, all you want to do is curl up in a blanket, eat chicken noodle soup and watch Netflix.
At the beginning of this week, I was sick. Probably your everyday common cold, but I usually don't catch them thanks to my (don't mean to brag) great immune system. I just wasn't prepared..I didn't have cough medicine or even tissues. It's a rough life for this freshman girl.
(I've been editing this post throughout the week..since the idea behind the title was because I've had a cold..get it? [I tried to make the most of it and write a blog post!] Anyway, I'm recovering quite nicely and feeling much better! Thank goodness. It's almost the weekend, so that's another plus! Bring on fall + cold weather!)

I think that the weather where I am has to be the most perfect transitional weather.
Lately, it's been just right, neither too hot or too cold.
I even brought out my sweaters and started to incorporate them as well as my boots into my wardrobe.
I can start wearing button-downs with riding boots and that in itself is one reason my heart is so happy!
At the end of last season, I picked up a really awesome discounted pair of boots and that made me anticipate fall more than ever before.

Oh, fall. I'm falling so hard for you!
I cannot wait to immerse myself in the annual seasonal activities fall brings such as: apple picking, baking, hayrides (sure doesn't help the allergies!), pumpkin carving, eating candy corn (because yes, that is a fall activity!), and so much more.

Fall is such a beautiful season. With the leaves turning different colors, the orange of the pumpkin patches, reds and greens of apple orchards, various shades of yellows in the corn mazes, the white-yellow-orange pattern of candy corn..I love how fall looks. Breathtaking. I can't wait to take pictures, even though they hardly do justice to the real thing.

And to end this of my favorite quotes about this marvelous season!
I stole this picture from my British best friend's blog, sorry Rebecca! Love you!
Go check her out here. She's a beautiful person!

Have a great day! :)

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