Tuesday, June 9, 2015

To Blog Or Not To Blog

Lately, while perusing the Internet, I've had thoughts similar to "Oh! I wish I could have that lifestyle.." or "That dress is awesome! I wish I had money to buy it." One thing I've never realized until recently is that I keep wishing for a blog (and/or life) like that one or this person's instead of doing something about mine to make it into the one I want. I've built up this image in my mind that my blog will have cool artsy photos like the ones found on Tumblr or I'm going to be the next big blogger or something. I have so many ideas for this blog, but fear of failure ruins any chances I might have. Like J.K. Rowling said, "It is impossible to live without failing at something, unless you live so cautiously that you might as well not have lived at all - in which case, you fail by default." I've come to the realization that I won't ever have a picture perfect life, and that's okay, because no one does. It's all about how we want to be viewed by the world. I have to remind myself that a person's blog is only their highlight reel (most of it anyways) and whether I get this many likes on a photo or a certain number of notes on a post is trivial and won't matter 5 years from now. What does matter is the way I feel and when I look back I want to be happy with what I've written and shared with the world. I'll live the best life I can and other people will live theirs and we will both have wonderful stories to tell. I don't need to constantly compare myself to others, because I can never be them and they can never be me. I never started blogging for money or gifts or to become famous. I wanted to give my own unique perspective and insight to what was going on around me, but I got too caught up in other people's lives that I wasn't really living my own. I became intimidated by people who have been blogging for years when really what I should have been doing was living life and making memories of my own. The reason I started blogging in the first place was to share my story with the world and from now on, I will remind myself of this daily. I blog, because I enjoy it. No longer will I choose to be a person behind a screen wondering what life has to offer me. Instead, I'll be out there, taking life one day at a time, enjoying every opportunity and truly living.

I'm perfectly happy sharing my thoughts on a blog that only about 5 people read and I'll continue blogging in my free time. But I'll be doing it because it's what I want to do.

To blog or not to blog. That is the question.
And I've decided that my answer is yes..to blogging, and yes to me.

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