Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Dorm Details

Hey! It didn't take me a whole year to publish a dorm post this time!
I really like how my roommate and I decorated our dorm this year :)
It's the perfect combination of last year's dorm and this year's.. it shows just how much we've grown in a year!
This year was less stressful and for that, we were super thankful. We had to do way less packing/getting ready, because both my roommate and I had about everything we needed. We kept a lot of the same items we used last year, and found new ways to rearrange/use them this year in the dorm :)

I bought my comforter from Sears, received these plastic bins from my cousin to use for clothes storage, and bought my bookbag from either Ross or T.J.Maxx (I can never remember).

The hamper you see in the picture is the one my roommate and I use (bought from T.J.Maxx, I think). What makes it unique is that it is a dual hamper so there are two sides and we each use one side so our clothes won't get mixed up. It's very helpful on laundry days! I also use the drawers (you can barely see them pictured on the far right) for additional clothes storage. They are provided by the school I attend.

Bowl: Anthropologie

Q&A 5 Year Journal
Downton Abbey calendar and DVDs

I have a bookshelf/side table-ish thing beside my bed which holds this bowl (first picture) and these items (bottom shelf=above photo).

I put this magnet on my fridge, because I promised my friend I would put it somewhere in my dorm, and I love it! I think it's adorable and I love seeing it each morning.

I love this trashcan my roommate and I found at T.J.Maxx last summer!

My closet's divided into two sections and so the right section (pictured above) holds my dresses.
Pictured below is a hanging organizer I bought at Target which holds some of my shoes and other various items.
I use the top shelf and the space below (on each side) for additional storage.

Hanging storage: Target
Shoes (from top to bottom, clockwise): Nike, Off Broadway Shoes, Rack Room Shoes

Lotion + Body Mist: Bath & Body Works

Storage container: K-Mart

Hope you enjoyed my dorm!
Have an awesome Tuesday! :)

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