Thursday, September 24, 2015

Friends Are The Family You Choose

I'm pretty happy with my chosen family.
They're the people who just 'get' me, who make me a better version of myself..
I'm lucky to have so many sweet friends :)
Whether it's talking about our day or eating dinner together, I'm thankful for the people who I'd consider family!
So..with that being said, thank you!

Thank you for letting me rant to you (via text)
Thank you for helping me study!
Thank you for bringing me Chickfila when I'm sick
Thank you for being weird with me (in public)
Thank you for watching Harry Potter with me
Thank you for stopping me from buying everything in Target
Thank you for sharing your food :)
Thank you for planning our journey around Europe!
Thank you for sending encouragement when I need it most
Thank you for giving me hope when I'm feeling down
Thanks for singing along to the radio with me when we're roadtrippin'
Thank you for bonding with me over Downton Abbey and Grey's Anatomy
Thank you for hanging out and loving me even when I'm in a bad mood
Thank you for texting me before a big test and wishing me luck
Thanks for not letting me go to social functions by myself
Thank you for your support and understanding

Thank you for helping me get through these four years at college. I couldn't do it without you guys.
I love you!

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