Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Studying Tips From A College Student

Studying. The word itself is student and dying combined..
Anyway, today I received two assignments back and I couldn't be happier with my grades!
And..-drum roll please- it's all thanks to studying!
I hate studying as much as the next person, but it's something that is necessary in order to succeed at college. The problem is I never really learned how to study! I've had to figure out this "studying" thing on my own, and I've definitely learned what does and doesn't work the hard way aka almost failing a class. I hope a few of these tips will help you when you're trying to study :)

Turn your phone on silent, not vibrate.
Silent and/or all sounds off are the best possible options for your phone when you're trying to study.
It's tempting to want to text back your friends or check social media if it keeps vibrating or ringing during your study sessions.

Take study breaks.
Referring back to the previous point, if you want to text your friend back or check Instagram, do it! But only look at your phone at the specific times you've decided on beforehand.

Figure out if you can study with music or not.
I can work on math problems and listen to music, but I can't focus on science or write a paper when music's playing at the same time. Understand when you can and can't study with music.

Get up and move around every now and then!

Make flashcards (if you need them).
I've realized that this is a great way for me to study, so I'm trying to do this more often!

Don't study on your bed (unless absolutely necessary).
My friends fall asleep while studying on their bed all the time, so that's why I added this one, even though I study on my bed most of the time..but anyway, do what I say and not what I do..haha :)

Don't eat and study at the same time.
I know you probably never would have thought you'd hear me say that, but I've tried to eat and study simultaneously on multiple occasions, and it doesn't work.

Study in a room with lots of light (or outside!)
If you can manage to study outside and not get distracted, then go for it! I love studying outside with the fresh air and sunshine :)
I go to a beautiful school and studying outside is one of the many privileges that go along with this campus in the first few weeks in the fall and last couple of weeks in the spring :)
If it's too cold or too hot, study inside, but in a room full of light. If it's too dark, it will make you want to fall asleep!

Try to get a good night of sleep the night before.
Even though it's "only" studying and not the actual test, it's still very necessary to be alert and ready to study! Sometimes just getting "in the mood" for studying has a lot to do with sleep the night before.

What helps you study?
Good luck and happy studying (if that's even a thing!) :)
P.S. Good grades make studying totally worth it!

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