Friday, August 15, 2014

Tomorrow! Tomorrow! I Love Ya Tomorrow

You're only a day away..
Whoa. That's scary.
(So FYI, read this post if you wish, but this will mostly be a post for me where I'll rant and write out things I need to say, and it will just happen to end up on the Internet to be there if anyone wants to read it, because I needed somewhere to vent and all my friends are either asleep or also packing!)

I'm moving to college TOMORROW and tonight will be my last night at home for awhile.
I'm kinda sorta maybe freaking out over the fact that I won't have my family as close by as they have been for the past 18 years of my life. It's the first step I take towards starting my independent life and I'm really excited, but also super nervous about that.
I woke up this morning BEFORE 8 am, like what?! This is the last day I have at home, and I'm up that early? Crazy!

Anyway, I'm currently listening to When Will My Life Begin from Tangled because that's how I'm feeling. I feel that I have so much to do today and I have no idea how I'm going to accomplish it all before I leave tomorrow morning!
I'm gonna work really hard today, running around my house packing and organizing, hoping that at the end of the day I'll be so tired that I'll fall asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow. I really need sleep, and last night I slept a grand total of less than 5 hours. So yeah, that's why I'm writing this bright and early with a bottle of Diet Coke by my side. This probably will be the norm in a few weeks...cause in college, caffeine will be my best friend. I just don't want to say goodbye to summer. I'm not ready! I want (at least) another month, mostly because I'm still not caught up on Grey's Anatomy yet!

Moving tomorrow has made me so nervous about everything! I'm excited, I really am, but I'm also driving myself crazy with worry and I'm overthinking every little thing! I have no idea what to expect and maybe that is what makes me so jittery. New friends, a new atmosphere, and feelings that I'm not quite sure how I'm supposed to handle. I know every single year thousands of incoming freshman transition from living at home to living in a dorm, but at this very moment I feel as if I'm the only one who is going through this. I need someone to reassure me that everything is gonna be okay. I feel that when I finally move in tomorrow and unpack, I will have such a heavy burden lifted off my shoulders.

But then there's also the question of whether I brought too much or if I'm not bringing enough. Usually, I overpack, but judging from everyone's Instagram photos, my collection of dorm "stuff" isn't nearly as big as theirs. I have this nagging thought in my head that I'm forgetting something, so tomorrow afternoon I will definitely be making a Target run to buy any last minute things that I forgot or lost in the shuffle and excitement of the day. Let's hope I don't forget too much, because let's face it. I'm on a college student's budget now. I can't buy everything I need, or want.

Since the soundtrack has come out, I've probably listened to this song more times than anyone wants (or needs) to know. It could be quite embarrassing. But, Let It Go is such a wonderful song! For almost any problem I'm going through, this is the one I turn to because of what the lyrics say. I really need to stop looking back and start looking forward. Tomorrow is when I start the next 4 years of my life at a university that I've called home for quite awhile. I have a few friends I have already made via social media, but there are also dozens of other people that I can't wait to meet. So, I should listen to this song once more, and think of the memories I'll experience here in the upcoming years and hope that its message will sink in.

Wow, I think after someone reads this post, they might just burst into song because I listed quite a few here!
I really cannot believe that TOMORROW is when I start my next chapter in life with some brand new friends at my new home away from home. Seriously, everything about my life as I know it is about to change and  I. CAN'T. WAIT. 

So, with that said I'm off to pack some MORE and hopefully accomplish and check off a dozen things on my to-do list!
Have a wonderful day & amazing weekend!

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